Ton'nea Green

Executive Director

Ton’nea Green is the executive director of Thomas Gales Art Gallery, Inc. She is responsible for planning, organization, and direction of the organization's operations and programs. She oversees and reports on the organization's results to the board of directors. 

Tonnea believes that art is the soul of being human, and expression of that can be categorized as art using tools to carry out those ideas. She believes the gallery will serve to open doors, provide guidance, and inspire youth of color to create. Art for Tonnea has served as a place in the world where her thoughts and ideas are expressed without limitations through art and wants to assist with expanding that joy with everyone, she believes everyone is capable of being an artist.


Tonnea has worked at Humana, Inc for 10 years moving her way through corporate and landing her current job in Medicare Enrollment as an Enrollment Professional. She has studied Pan-African studies for the last 12 years both through the University of Louisville and independently. She is an artist that specializes in acrylic portraiture.