Brandon Barnhill

Brandon Barnhill Thomas gales art gallery

Brandon Barnhill is a treasurer who works with Thomas Gales Art Gallery Inc. to help oversee the financial management and oversight of the gallery.

Though Brandon enjoys photography and photo retouching, those skills’ roots begun in sketch pads. When he started his college career, he knew he wanted to do something with computers or an art path. Eventually he chose computers but wound up ending somewhere in the middle. Brandon graduated from University of Louisville with a Bachelor of Science in Communication with plans to work in Advertisement or Public Relations. Afterwards he re enrolled at JCTC to hone his skills with the Adobe products, still focused on Advertising and Public Relations.

Currently Brandon works in Business Intelligence with data and also does commercial photography on the side. He has a Bachelor of Science in Communication from the University of Louisville, an Associates of Arts and Commercial Photography from Jefferson Community & Technical College. He is a 2-time Gold and Silver CATTY Award Recipient at Jefferson Community & Technical College and a 7 Time Star Award recipient.